There is growing interest in herbal leys for the environmental benefits they bring, with various agri-grants available for growing them.
Intensive arable farms are now using herbal leys to control blackgrass, improve soil structure and boost soil organic matter.
Herbal leys are also being used to create more diverse grassland from existing intensive grassland and converting fields from arable to permanent grass.
Our herbal leys are specialist herbage mixtures containing strong rooting grasses & herbs and are available as either Organic or Conventional seed.
These mixtures provide highly palatable, harvestable herbage over the summer months as well as enhancing the structure and texture of the soil. With good sward management they will retain a thick sward that will reduce weed-build up in the sward.
Our herbal leys will give you:
- A thick, weed-supressing sward with good persistency
- Improved soil structure and texture
- Highly palatable, harvestable herbage over the summer months
This mixture is a true herbal ley consisting of a balanced mixture of five grasses, three legumes and five herbs. It fulfils the recomendations for the English Agri-Grant Scheme SFI CSAM3.
It offers flexibility as it can be either grazed, cut – or both. You can expect it to last 5+ years.
Careful selection of grass and herb species for our HARMONY DP Herbal Ley enables the herbs to fully release their potential benefits.
Available in 1/2 hectare (13 kilo) bags as either Organic or Conventional seed.
This quality herbal ley has as its base a blend of ABER perennial ryegrasses which will produce a solid, thick sward suitable for more intensive dairy and beef farms in the UK
SYMPHONY is a long-term ley which can be cut or grazed over many years.
It meets the requirements for the English Agri-Grant Scheme SFI CSAM3.
Available in 1/2 hectare (15 kilo) bags as either Organic or Conventional seed.
This mixture has been designed to fulfil the grant criteria of the Welsh Agri Grant Scheme GfE Option 1 - mixed leys.
It is a superior mixture of grasses, legumes and herbs and offers flexibility as it can be either grazed, cut – or both. This long-term ley will easily last the 3 year minimum required by the scheme.
Careful selection of grass and herb species for our HARMONY GfE Herbal Ley enables the herbs to fully release their potential benefits.
Available in 1/2 hectare 12.5 kilo) bags as either Organic or Conventional seed.
PLUS mixtures have all the benefits of the original grass mixture, with the addition of additional herbs and legumes to create a herbal ley that qualifies for the English Agri-Grant Scheme SFI CSAM3.
The following are available as PLUS mixtures.
All are available in 1 Acre bags as either Organic or Conventional seed.
The following mixture is also a herbal ley and meets the criteria for the English Agri-Grant Scheme SFI CSAM3.
Available in 1 Acre bags as Organic or Conventional seed.
For more information, please download our Brochure
Disclaimer: Before ordering seed for agri-grant schemes please check with your governing body for any changes to scheme requirements.