Our Mixtures
The mixtures we sell are perfectly balanced recipies that have been researched, trialled, tested and mixed by ourselves under strict quality control procedures.
Quality Control
All mixtures sold by Western Seeds are comprised of the highest quality agricultural seeds. Rigorous tests for purity, germination and vigour are carried out on all seeds used in our mixtures. Samples are taken and tested at each stage of the production process.
Only the seed which attains the exacting standard required by Western Seeds is put into the Western Seeds Bag — your guarantee of quality.
Contract Growers
Our cereal seed is produced only by specialist growers from breeders basic and first generation stocks. We have developed excellent relationships with many of the top plant breeders throughout the world ensuring that we have the earliest availability of new crop varieties.
Crop Inspections
Cereal crops undergo thorough inspection by Ministry of Agriculture licensed crop inspectors ensuring varietal and species purity and minimal weed contamination - particularly from wild oats.