Farmers have been utilising naturally occuring herbs in their grazing and conservation leys for many years.
The following herbs are available as conventional seed for you to mix with your preferred grass seed, or over-sow onto your existing leys.

PUNA II Chicory
This braod-leaved, perennial forage crop gives high yields of very palatable feed for grazing livestock.
Delivered in 1 Kilo packs, containing enough seed for mixing with up to 5 acres of grass seed.

A forage plantain that is particularly useful in dry summer months. High in minerals, it provides easily digestible forage for stock.
Delivered in 1 Kilo packs, containing enough seed for mixing with up to 5 acres of grass seed.

SELECT Rejuvenation Clover Blend
SELECT clover blend contains a mixture of large and medium clover varieties suitable for rejuvenating the clover content in established leys.
SELECT will produce free nitrogen to improve grass growth and provide palatable forage for stock, increasing their grass/clover intake and so producing more milk, beef and lamb from your ley
Sow at 1 to 2 Kgs/Acre. Available in 10 Kilo bags