PREMIUM will give you:

  • Improved sustainability of spring cereal cropping
  • 6 months of clean worm-free grazing from autumn (post harvest) to spring (before ploughing for the next crop)
  • Winter cover for wildlife
  • Improved soil structure/texture
  • Reduced soil erosion over winter
  • Increased soil fertility

This mixture has been specifically designed as a cover crop for undersowing spring-sown cereals as part of your cereal tillage crop rotations.

Used under our spring Cereal Blends or our Combicrops®, PREMIUM will improve the soil structure and capture any residual nitrogen and other plant nutrients, thus increasing soil fertility.

The carefully selected grasses used in PREMIUM will not grow through the cereal crop and so will not cause problems at harvest.

PREMIUM increases the productivity of your farm by providing you with worm-free grazing from autumn (after the cereal is harvested) until the following spring (when you plough for the next cereal crop).

Available in 15 Kilo bags, as Organic seed, or as Conventional seed.

Sow at 4 to 5 Kilos per Acre.

PREMIUM qualifies for the English Agri-Grant Schemes SFI OFA6, SFI SOH4 and SFI CIMP3.

PREMIUM PLUS - Multi-Species Winter Cover Crop

PREMIUM is also available as PREMIUM PLUS, which includes additional legumes and herbs.

On cultivated land vulnerable to nitrate leaching or on land draining directly into a watercourse, PREMIUM PLUS will provide a dense cover that protects the soil from erosion and run-off.

  • PREMIUM PLUS qualifies for the English Agri-Grant Schemes SFI CSAM2 and SFI CIPM3

  • For more information, please download our brochure

    Organic Conventional

    Disclaimer: Before ordering seed for agri-grant schemes please check with your governing body for any changes to scheme requirements.