Sports fields need to provide a thick, resilient, hard wearing playing surface which is enjoyable to play on. This is not easy to achieve. Uncovered sports areas have to contend with many problems during the winter months: excessive rainfall, low light levels, low growing temperatures, soil compaction and damage caused by studded boots to name a few.
Our sports field mixtures contain grass cultivars which are proven to overcome many of the problems and create a superior surface that allows play to continue in less than ideal weather conditions.
Each mixture contains the very best Sports Turf Research Institute (STRI) recommended varieties to create a superb playing surface.
PLAY-ON Mixture
This mixture contains three amenity perennial ryegrasses selected to establish quickly.
PLAY-ON produces a good soil-stabilising root structure so creating a resilient, hard-wearing playing surface.
GOAL Mixture
GOAL Mixture is designed for areas on the pitch which receive excessive damage, such as the goal mouth and centre spot areas.
GOAL Mixture will blend with PLAY-ON Mixture giving little visible difference on the pitch.